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Originally based on ZEN meditation, mindfulness resets the eighth discipline of the Eightfold Path within the Buddha Dharma. The Buddha Dharma is also the basis for many psychotherapies, for yoga training and for a life model that is based on powerful compassion.

​Another word for mindful living is meditation. And at this point we should first deal with a prejudice:

Meditation is not just sitting on the cushion, bench or chair in contemplation. Meditation takes up much more space.

Being present with body and mind in everyday life is meditation and, after a certain practice, opens the door to our pure life energy, joie de vivre, serenity and compassion. That is the actual humanity in its always present quality, but mostly blocked by the stream of thoughts.

Mindfulness is the direct and powerful tool to touch that energy again. People do a lot for their body today and thus lay the foundation for entering the here and now. However, this requires the supreme discipline from Buddha's Eightfold Path, which names meditation as the 8th and highest discipline. However, mindfulness or meditation requires daily practice to bring the mind and body back together in the bodymind. Old habits otherwise fall back into the old drawer and separate thoughts and physical presence and thus prevent a powerful transformation into strength, compassion and inner peace through full presence.

Present in the here and now, where life takes place. IN OUR mindfulness course I use the metaphor

"Staying alive", connected to every action, staying in the now.

Mindfulness is not a matter of course today, the permanent distractions and the effort to accompany everything unnecessarily closely with controlling thoughts are too strong and most thoughts prevent perception of the moment

"Living Consciously"

Life is action, whether we are walking, showering, eating, shopping, breathing, even when we are deeply asleep, the body and mind are acting.

In order to train this presence of body and mind, I lead the

Participants in the mindfulness course on the basics and effects in the practice of mindfulness exercises and in a basic thought training.

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