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Meditation evenings - courses retreats

our range

ZEN - Mindfulness - InnerDialog Appointments

Weekly evening meditation Tuesdays 7:15pm - 9pm

Our meditation room is open to everyone on Tuesdays, even if you don't have any prior knowledge (instructions will be given) for evening meditation with Okami. Registration not required. material available. Everyone is welcome to learn about meditation.

The 3 x 20 minute sitting meditation program includes Okami's Breath Energy Yoga.

From time to time there is a lecture by Sensei Okami on the subject of mindfulness/mind training and ZEN.

Fee : 10€ p/p.

Instruction : 20€ p/p.

The Diamond Sutra

The famous sutra that allows us to touch and experience the actual matrix and function of life for ourselves as participants step through wrong views or opinions on it.

Course in six teaching units of 2 hours each Discussion and lectures with Sensei Okami, based on the scripture "The Diamond Sutra" by Thich Nhat Nanh, one of the most important and recognized sages of this epoch. (died 01/01/2022).

Zoom – Conference (Language German). (The participants receive an audio recording after each hour if they cannot attend an appointment).

7. 21.8. /. 4. - 21.8. / 2. 16.10.2022

18-20 each

Course fee : 95 €

DS course

Do You Have Questions


Call us on 0049 (0)151 4247 1529


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